goods bats
this silver goods is the one i personally have. this bat hits boms and is the 2022 model of demarini zen. this bat hits nukes with little barrel flection and a larger barrel pop
this is the 2022 blue goods with high power disel power barrel with mulitaction and hitting power. this bat is lightler feeling than most bats but is still as power ful. this is the 2022 blue goods with high power disel power barrel with mulitaction and hitting power. this bat is lightler feeling than most bats but is still as power ful.
i creat this webiste to have a site where we can put the most popluar bat and sell itbstaright to you for a great deal we sell all types of demarinis mainly goods and used and new. this company was created by eric anthony a high school athlete who uses a good and markets it as he best bat righ now this website is for everyione and ships acroos the globe. here is an example of our newest model the silver 2022 goods